Teknikk: Tusjpenn på papir
Størrelse: 50 x 32,5 cm
Produksjonsår: 2019
Prisen inkluderer 5% kunstavgift.
Om kunstneren
Violetta Arnesen:
My drawings are mostly abstractions based on impressions from nature and particularly from the world of plants, on different levels, but also from larger structures of nature such as layers of rocks.
I follow both my intuition (the need) and curiosity (the research). I am primarily interested in details, in small things which are almost invisible, almost non-existent or not easy recognizable. In that way my drawings consist of many small elements, they are like building bricks. Nature uses the same basic patterns all the way, whether it is a repetition of some cells, leaves on the tree, individuals within species, repetition of processes or layers of mud, sand or rocks. I see this as patterns of life.
I draw with the intention of sharing my experience of nature, and with a wish to influence and introduce receivers to the harmony of patterns in nature.