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FUKT #22 – The Nature Issue
In the latest edition, we're exploring the timeless bond between drawing and the natural world. This...
FUKT #21 – The Unknown Issue
FUKT Issue #21 returns for another issue to venture into the realms of the Unknown. Featuring drawings by 29 contemporary artists from 18 countries around the...
FUKT is an international magazine for contemporary drawing, published once a year. It comes without ads, beautifully designed with a focus on the visual, with occasional interviews with interesting...
FUKT is an international magazine for contemporary drawing, published once a year. It comes without ads, beautifully designed with a focus on the visual, with occasional interviews with interesting...
FUKT is an international magazine for contemporary drawing, published once a year. It comes without ads, beautifully designed with a focus on the visual, with occasional interviews with interesting...
FUKT is an international magazine for contemporary drawing, published once a year. It comes without ads, beautifully designed with a focus on the visual, with occasional interviews with interesting...
FUKT is an international magazine for contemporary drawing, published once a year. It comes without ads, beautifully designed with a focus on the visual, with occasional interviews with interesting...